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Writer's pictureSerina Gardner

How do you get glowing healthy skin?

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

In the clinic, this is a common question I get asked and often see clients for eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, flaking, redness, and acne so why does this happen and how do we get glowing healthy skin?

Skin is the largest organ of the body – it is your body's coat. It protects you. It helps regulate your temperature and is what commonly defines us as either being glowing with healthy or off-color, unhealthy and unwell

So your skin in detail - it has 3 main layers;

  • the epidermis which is the layer that we see

  • the dermis is the second thicker layer which houses your nerves, sweat glands, sebaceous glands (or oil glands), and hair follicles and has the job of bringing blood flow to your skin – this layer is where the strength, and elasticity come from, due to collagen and fibrin

  • the deepest third layer the subcutaneous fat layer, which connects the dermis to the muscles & bones, supports blood and nerves, regulates body temperature, and stores fat acting to insulate and cushion the body.

It takes roughly five weeks for the skin to renew - starting at the subcutaneous layer as new skin grows it travels through to the next layer- the dermis, then over the weeks gets pushed with new growth below to the epidermis where eventually it is shed off as dead skin cells – therefore working on skin conditions is never an instant fix. It can take weeks, sometimes months to really gain the changes we want and gain glowing healthy skin.

Environmental toxins play a big part in skin health - moisture retention for example affects the integrity, elasticity, and plumpness of your skin so if you are dehydrated this will affect the look of your skin. Toxins such as cigarette smoke, petrol and diesel fumes on the highway, what you put on your skin in products, what foods you are eating, and alcohol all affect your skin.

Detoxification pathways of your body are directly related to skin health so if your digestive tract isn’t as healthy as it should be with inflammation and an incorrect micro-flora balance your body will use other elimination pathways to remove toxins from your body such as through your skin which is why when addressing skin health your digestive health also needs to be considered.

Key points to address with good skin health include;

  • Hydration levels – are you drinking enough good quality, alkaline, mineral-rich water?

  • Nutrient levels – Are you eating enough vegetables, fruits, good fats, and antioxidants to support detoxification, reduce inflammation, and provide vitamins and minerals to your skin

  • Chemical load –What load are you placing on your body? Start reading ingredient lists for both food and skin & body care.

  • Micro-flora & inflammation levels – Is your digestive health working as well as it should be?

  • Are food sensitivities creating more inflammation?

  • Are you stressed, tired, and not exercising? Your skin needs to rest to renew and to sweat to support detoxification

  • Are you breathing correctly? – Oxygen transport throughout the body is essential to your overall health, stress response, and blood transport.

If you are interested in taking a deeper look at your skin book a holistic natural health assessment to encourage healthy happy skin. Look up your local Naturopath or Medical Herbalist in your area and reap the rewards of better overall health.

Serina Gardner

Naturopath & Medical Herbalist BNatMed, MNZAMH, MNZSN

Promoting health, laughter & love in a nurturing environment.

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